
In a previous entry I mentioned I want to make the purpose of this site two-fold, so here’s a bit more explanation of what I am wanting to do.

  1. I want to share the hundreds of wrapper sets and graphics sets that I’ve created over the past 12+ years.
  2. I want to accept donations that will go towards the care of our small herd of horses.

So those are the purposes of the site and donations. Once I get it finished up I have some pics of our horses that include my 1 ton baby Samson who is a Percheron, my wife’s Tennessee Walker named Nymeria, our two wild mustangs Arya and Ashildr, and our newest addition and rescue, an Off the Track Thoroughbred Racehorse named Wanderlust.

I want to make this as clear as possible… DONATIONS ARE IN NO WAY REQUIRED to get the wrapper and graphic sets. Just go the page and start clicking on the images to download the sets linked to them, no funny business, no shenanigans just straight up downloads.

If you do however want to donate to the herd, you will be able to find buttons like the one below throughout the site. Just click on it and you’ll go to my Valhalla Computers donation page on PayPal. Those of you who know me, know that Valhalla Computers is the name of my small website hosting business that has served the community for quite some time and continues to host sites.

Here’s the button to look for…